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And in lard?
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The Food Composition Database for Epidemiological Studies in Italy (BDA), a project started in 1995 thanks to funding from AIRC (the Italian Association for Cancer Research), offers information about the composition of the food most frequently consumed in Italy. There is free access to the database. If you do not find the needed information, on the BDA web site you may find the link to other food tables.
The BDA Group, of which I am part, is available for ad hoc updates of the composition data and to participate to projects in this area.
BDA has joined the not for profit association EuroFIR AISBL, a network of European food composition data banks, standardized according to criteria defined by the EuroFIR project.
BDA participates also in QUALIFU-SIAGRO, a project coordinated by CRA-NUT in Rome. The role of BDA is to create a network of laboratories able to provide analytical data on the composition of Italian food, needed to update the Italian food databases. For more information